Allureriah Conover is from New Jersey and a junior at Montclair State University. She is studying fashion, hoping to get a career in PR, Styling, or Social Media Marketing. Her blog post content consist of fashion, beauty and her lifestyle. She is a frequent collaborator of leading brands such as: Express, Carols Daughter, Dolce Vida, Vanity Planet, Maybelline, Lindt Chocolate, Tailor Beauty, Karina Dresses, Toms, Glassons, Palmers, Goli, Lyft, Amazon Prime, Neutrogena, Harry and David, Rent the Runway, Home depot, Windsor, Toms main, Rephresh, Bond Touch, Sabo Skirt, Mejuri, Molly Bracken, Essie, Eterno, CVS, Selfie Leslie